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September Educational Luncheon

  • September 29, 2021
  • 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM (CDT)
  • Williamson County Association of Realtors Building


Join PWOW at our September Educational Luncheon, featuring Kelsey Taylor, as we delve into the Enneagram, a powerful and insightful tool for understanding ourselves and others! 

Have you ever wondered why some people do the strange things they do?  Why do some people beat around the bush when they give feedback, and yet others are overly direct and harsh? Why do some people show up 15 minutes early to a meeting, while others consistently roll in 20 minutes after the meeting has already started? In short, it's because we are all wired uniquely with different motivations. The Enneagram teaches us that there are nine different ways of seeing the world and being in the world. Join us for an overview of the core motivations for each Enneagram type as we venture into the beauty of personality and celebrate the differences between us. 

Kelsey Taylor is an Enneagram Expert with ValleyPoint Coaching. Kelsey's experience with ministry and the corporate world has given her a unique perspective on how to blend leadership with compassion. She strives to inspire a working culture where people better understand themselves and their coworkers. Her focus is on self-compassion and empathy, using a personality typing system known as the Enneagram.  Kelsey has taught the Enneagam to over 50 working individuals just this past year. She dreams of a day when all the businesses in the Central Texas area get back to enjoying the work they do and the people they work with.

Thank you to our September Monthly Sponsor!

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